Hello! My name is Mahima Singh and I'm Indian. I'm currently studying computer science and I'll be in my sophomore year of college this year. Besides that I love reading books and writing poems. Writing has kind of always been my thing since I only had a few friends in school and it allowed me write things that I can't really verbalize to anyone most of the time.

I wrote the poem (The Forced Lover) about child marriage. These are the the kind of subjects that people don't really want to talk about even though they don't support it, simply because it makes them uncomfortable or it's just not their problem. I wrote this poem because I know I'm not a victim of child marriage so maybe I'll never really understand what they go through or their experience. But I hope someone out there can relate to this poem.
About the poem- when I was writing the poem, my idea of it was to convey it from the bride's point of view. How she's literally a child but she has to leave behind her family, home and dreams to get married to a complete stranger (Who I referred as the forced lover) just to make her family and relatives proud. Everyone is happy while she's walking down the aisle but her.
The Forced Lover
In the dim moonlight with fireworks in the dazzling background Everyone’s face rises with bright smiles, As they see me approach my destiny. They had been waiting for this day For almost 14 years now! For me to just take seven steps more. Under these red sheets, My head to neck is covered properly The complications are hidden completely And so are my tears! As I walk down this aisle, I see him smile for me to reciprocate it But I do it with the happiness that is only a delusion made for them. For them to be happy, For them to be satisfied .. and For them to stand with dignity! Nothing is for me, nothing was for me in the past and nothing will ever be for me! Besides the praises, The ones that I’m receiving in this moment. I will keep them forever! Hopefully they will compensate my dreams, tarnished at the hands of my forced lover!